In the space between stimulus and response, there is the space for growth
Service Description
For most inquiries, one hour is enough time to get to the heart of the current moment and discover where growth wants to emerge. If you've never had a reading before, this is where to begin. We will begin by centering our listening and getting grounded with Spirit. I'll share what the overall message is from the Divine and then we'll expand our inquiry to one or two specific areas of your desire. A Growth session is perfect if: You've never had a reading before and you want to try! You're feeling stuck in a job or relationship. You know that your life has a greater purpose, but something is holding you back from embracing a change You are experiencing a heartbreak or loss. In all of our lives, moments of contraction are platforms for expansion and growth. $45 Deposit Due Upon Booking, $55 Due at time of service. Gratuities Welcome "Meredyth is truly gifted at what she does. I found her during a time of despair. It was also my first tarot card reading - ever! Meredyth quickly put me at ease. She provided clarity, guidance, compassion, and lots of wisdom. She is a true gem & I would highly recommend her." -Sonia C
Cancellation Policy
Deposits are non-refundable. If you need to reschedule an individual reading, please give notice at least 24 hours in advance and the deposit will be applied as a one-time courtesy. Workshop fees are non-refundable.
Contact Details
Zoom Video Communications, Almaden Boulevard, San Jose, CA, USA
183 Parnassus Ave apt 3, San Francisco, CA, USA